It is starting to get COLD out here in Utah, which means cute, cuddly, engagement pictures! Brock and I's engagements were sooooo, freezing, cold. We got them taken around this time before we got married, then our First Looks in Late November and I just remember wondering why we decided to get married in the winter instead of the spring, haha! Our wedding was just as chilly, December 30th, with plenty of snow on the ground. It made for fun pictures! What's a few frost bitten toes in comparison to good pictures, am I right?
One of my favorite parts of the engagement and wedding shoots is getting a chance to get my inner artist on and take pictures of the engagement rings. I am a sucker for beautiful, shinny things!

I love the detail and the meaning that are typically placed behind the engagement ring. The fact that it's supposed to signify eternity and a never ending love has always been something I've found to be really cool. My own wedding ring reminds me just how important my relationship with my husband is and why it's important to continue to work on our relationship.

My husband really NAILED my engagement ring (as seen below)! He personalized it to the point that even my initials are embedded into it. I helped out a little, the diamond is a family heirloom and I am the 4th Generation Oldest Granddaughter to have it, but everything else was between him and the ring maker! The hexagon look is something I LOVE! I showed a Pinterest picture that had this shape, to Brock, and basically flat out told him I wanted that ring and none other, ha! I was wrong because I love mine so much more. Then, not featured here, the sides have Treble and Bass Clefs (nerdy music stuff) and my married initials SB. It looks all vintage, which I wanted so bad, and it is the perfect size for my finger.

Brock surprised me with the way he proposed as well. I told him once like a long, long time ago that I thought being proposed to on the side of the mountain would be cool. SO he planned a hike where we went up Timp. (a very TALL mountain in American Fork Canyon, close to the Alpine Loop on the AF side) starting at midnight so that we would get up there by sunrise. Then during sunrise Brock purposed. It was beautiful and so special...and extremely exhausting.

Have a cute engagement story? Have a cool ring? Need some engagement shots? Go drop a message in the Book with Me page. I'd love to get to know you!