Don't you just hate it when you are so excited to get your pictures taken; make up is done, hair is perfect, and you are feeling fly in that new outfit you bought, but then you go to the session and feel awkward and it shows in your pictures? UGH it is the worst, and I feel like that happens to me more often than not.
Once after getting family pictures taken (Me, My husband and our two dogs), my husband Brock and I were looking through them and could just feel the awkward and disappointment we felt during the session. I was really bummed because this was the second session we tried with a different photographer to capture the pictures we wanted to use to decorate our new home.
Then cute Brock looked over and said to me, "You could do this, and you could do it better."

I thought about that for a second and then realized he was right, I could do this! And help provide the customer service experience that I expected to have, to other people.
My Background
I started "taking pictures" when I was in junior high. There was one point where one of my good friends was taking a photography class at school and she needed models. I loved posing for the camera and seeing all the "behind the scenes" action that went into capturing a quality photo. Then I found a program called "Picnik." It was an online photo editing program that I loved SO much! I took pictures and made CRAZY strange edits but I loved it so much!

Then, throughout high school, another friend coxed me into a film photography class and that's when it really took off for me. My dad bought me my first DSLR camera after that class and I joined the yearbook crew. I took many of my friends' senior pictures and even got my hands on some engagement sessions and some "roommate family pictures" in college.
Drive for Service
I've also worked in customer service for 8+ years. You don't work in something for that long and it not become a part of you. I feel like that's something that is lost in the photography world and that's something that I am striving to really bring into my work. Not only do I want to help people feel comfortable during our session but I want the whole experience to be around my clients and helping them have the easiest process possible. I am here to serve.
Fulfilling a Dream
As cheesy and cliche as it sounds, photography is one way that I'm fulfilling a dream. I'll talk about this in a later post because it's something I feel like I have a lot to say about, but I just realized one day that I don't want to work traditionally. And if these 14 year olds on "World of Dance" are able to fulfill their dreams, then why can't I.

If you've made it through this first post, thank you! Hopefully they get better as I post more. I'm excited to go on this journey with you!